ACES presented at ERA-Net SES workshop

In May 2020 the workshop ICT solutions for local and regional energy system took the took place, organized by ERA-Net SES community. Bartlomiej Arendarski, Project Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation attended the workshop and introduced the ACES project as a short pitch.


Excellent Paper Award!

Johan Ericson and Magnus Nilsson (Glava Energy Center), Jorge Solis (Karlstad University) and Tomohiro Oka (Tokyo Tech) have received an Excellent Paper Award for the paper "28-Forecasting of Electric Energy Consumption for Housing Cooperative with a Grid Connected PV System" at the icSmartGrid2019 conference in Australia.


The Reference Group Launching Event and Project Meeting in Paris

The ACES project hosted the Reference Group Launching Event 14th November 2019, in connection to the European Utility Week in Paris. Through the inauguration of the reference group, ACES enables customer-centric development of the project, which is a key driving factor for the project execution and for realising value-driven business opportunities…


Successful conference days in Namur, Belgium

Successful conference days in Namur, Belgium are over! From October 7 to 10 October, the Joint Programming Platform (JPP) on Smart Energy Systems (SES) hosted its Smart Energy Systems Conference 2019 to gather ongoing and newly finalized SES projects to share knowledge, see the results from previous projects, and to…


Annual SamspEL and ERA-Net workshop

Hjalmar Pihl, RISE On October 8, Power Circle and the Swedish Energy Agency organized the annual SamspEL and ERA-Net Workshop, where the ACES project was represented by Hjalmar Pihl. This workshop gathered representatives from ongoing research projects with Swedish funding from SamspEL or ERA-Net, and provided an opportunity to meet…


ACES reaches first Milestone

The ACES project reached the first important Milestone in the project: Pre-Studies, Requirement Analysis and Test Procedures defined. The project team delivered the Requirement Specification for the Adaptive Control System, power quality measurement, battery health sensors and the demonstrator sites at VänerEnergi, Glava Energy Center and Fraunhofer IFF. The team…


Students from Japan with focus on battery storage and solar energy

(swedish article in Arvika nyheter 2019-07-23) Utvecklingen får framåt i rask takt vad gäller forskning kring solenergi. På Glava Energy Center testas det just nu hur batterilager på bästa sätt kan användas för ändamålet.– När det inte är soligt är det viktigt att kunna lagra energin, säger Johan Ericson, nybliven…


Research of Adaptive Control of Energy Storage and Solar Energy

(Article in Swedish, published in Karlstad University) Forskare vid Karlstads universitet utvecklar avancerade kontrollmetoder baserad på biologiskt inspirerade principer för att optimera flexibla och robusta energisystem. Forskningen ingår i det internationella projektet ACES, Adaptive Control of Energy Storage. Det långsiktiga målet är att möjliggöra en högre andel förnybar elproduktion.…


ACES Demo preparations @ Fraunhofer IFF started

Fraunhofer IFF has now started to prepare for the demonstrators for ACES. The battery storage equipment was transported to the new laboratory site. Looking forward to starting implementing the ACES demonstrator. More info about Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation: Previous Next