Fourth video is released!

the ACES project develops and demonstrates adaptive optimization of battery energy storage services. In the ACES project we want to provide tools that´ll help DSOs, consumers and producers to exchange services and be forerunners in a dynamic market. MINcom and RISE are responsible for analizing markets and new opportunities for…


ACES Webinar: Can AI enable the future of energy storage?

20th April 09:00 - 10:30 We are all in the midst of a new electrification era, and the need of coordinating power generation, consumption and storage is higher than ever before. In this webinar we will take a look at the ACES project, which has developed a market integrated control system for energy storage that enables stacked revenue streams…


Third video is now released!

The ACES project develops and demonstrates adamptive optimization of battery energy storage services, using AI algorithms. New challenges in the energy landscape like solar power and new consuption patterns, pose challenges and disruptions to the grid. The ACES projekt develops solutions to addess these challenges! Watch the video on YouTube…


Second video posted!

David Westerlund about the ACES project and the combination of solar power with local energy storage. The world is changing, and new energy solutions is needed. Trough the ACES project we are well on our way to meet the future energy transition, sharing knowledge and creating a more sustainable tomorrow.…


The first project video released!

David Westerlund about the ACES project and the adaptive control system developed by Embriq. The world is changing and new energy solutions is needed. Trough the ACES project we are well on our way top meet the future energy transition, sharing knowledge and creating a more sustainable tomorrow! Watch the…


Milestone 3 successfully released!

ACES project has successfully reached Milestone 3 – Adaptive control of hardware at demo sites. The system can now adapt to actual changes in prognosis, actual consumption, as well as changes to hardware setup, and external power grid commands – all with good outputs in sought criteria. The demonstrators are…


ACES project presentations

In May 2020 the workshop ICT solutions for local and regional energy system took the took place, organized by ERA-Net SES community. Bartlomiej Arendarski, Project Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation attended the workshop and introduced the ACES project with a short pitch. Welcome to join Framtidens Elsystem,…


Changes in ACES reference group

AGM Batteries Ltd has due to structural changes, become incorporated in the parent company AMTE Power Ltd. Their interest in the ACES-project is continually strong, and AMTE Power Ltd will inherit AGM's representation in the project's reference group. AMTE are planning to initiate the construction of a battery factory (Giga…


Milestone 2 successfully released!

Metrum PQX3-FR power quality meters. The project group has successfully reached Milestone 2 -  ICT & Hardware installation at demo sites. The completion of the milestone is prerequisite for the initiation of adaptive control, and overall knowledge creation from the demonstration period. The demonstrators have been equipped with Metrum PQX3-FR power…